Scanner App

Facilitate document flow and digitize paperwork by scanning any document into PDF or Image

Scan and Manage PDF Files

Easily scan, edit, save, and share documents, receipts, business cards, notes, and books

Scan anything, fast

Scan premium quality PDFs or JPGs in one click, convert and share anywhere 

Seamless cloud integration

Share and upload scanned documents to cloud services like iCloud, Dropbox, Evernote, OneDrive, or Google Drive

Premium quality scans

Enhance scans with edge detection, OCR, and handwriting recognition

Scan any document with your iPhone

Transform your iPhone or iPad into a versatile mobile scanner with the Scanner App, now equipped with powerful PDF converter features, including Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Handwriting Recognition. 

Scanner app scanning interface
Scanner app scanning interface

Edit and convert PDFs then share in a Cloud 

A game changer in PDF and image processing, Scanner App makes managing documents trivial. No more office scanners — the app saves time and money like no other office app ever did.